Seize the day for tomorrow, especially if you are a woman. Why? Because according to this article, women who are obese have greater annual healthcare costs than men. That is not the best news to hear when fantasizing about warm apple pie. This study, however, did start me wondering about what Aristotle (yes, that guy) said about health, “the excellence of the body is health; that is a condition which allow us, while keeping free from disease, to have the use of our bodies.” Ok, here’s a thought..
Perhaps with the pace of our modern society, we have become too nearsighted about taking anticipatory action toward staying healthy. Intellectually, we know that it is easier to avoid problems strategically than to constantly put out fires-it seems as though taking our business acumen and applying it to our health would be an easy transfer. Can we visualize a future positive body image of ourselves? If your answer is yes, is it because you are currently making good choices and thinking long-term? Honestly, I am visualizing myself wearing the Chanel suit that I bought several years ago..that’s one thing that works for me. The smartest thing that I do, however, is to engage with friends that are truly healthy and happy. I began looking at some of their character traits and I discovered similarities; they challenge themselves mentally and physically, watch what they eat, hang around positive people, but most of all, they are in tune with themselves. They are not afraid to take the long hard look at themselves, no, I’m not speaking