Your Senses, Savoring, and Sleep…

Taking the time to savor may be the key to becoming more
healthy minded
. Today, I had the privilege of interviewing
Dr. Stuart Seale, MD and  Dr. Virginia Gurley, MD,  on lifestyle health choices, diet and fitness.  P1040283One of the benefits of speaking with physicians who believe in what they are doing, is that they inspire change at a completely different level – Passion! You’ll enjoy this BlogTalkRadio episode as both physicians discuss the importance of savoring the dining experience, the importance of sleep, and staying fit to become a more healthy minded consumer.  For those of you who are interested in Lifestyle Medicine, they conclude by explaining why this emerging field is rewarding for both patients and physicians. I invite you to listen & enjoy!  I’ll ask you my
favorite question again, are you healthyminded?

O for a life of Sensations rather than of Thoughts!  Keats, 1817


Healthcare Innovation is Social

 Is social media the first step to testing the healthcare appetite for open innovation?  In other words, what is the likelihood of those in the healthcare industry to look beyond collaboration and engage with external resources to develop new products and services?  After reading A Guide To Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing, edited by Paul Sloane,  I was challenged to think about the mindset for shaking things up and how to creatively reach across industry segments to generate ideas.

Open Innovation (OI), is described in the book as a concept developed by Henry Chesbrough, as a step beyond collaboration, where external rblueesources are harnessed to work alongside a team to develop new products and services.   Crowdsourcing as an extrapolation of OI, where a challenge is presented to a group of people, known or unknown, to solicit their ideas and solutions.  Contributor, Renee Hopkins, takes a deep dive into the definition and models of crowdsourcing and emphasizes that if done right, the benefits are “unparalleled” and speaks to “it’s power to disrupt.” 

Healthcare may be the perfect environment for crowdsourcing and OI, because, as the GAO indicates, we are on an ‘unsustainable path’.  Running out of time and money is a fairly significant incentive to test our capacity to innovate and willingness to reach out.  I do believe that we are seeing the rise of physician entrepreneurs, mHealth innovators, and focused startup companies during this time of market transition and uncertainty – and who better to lead the way, than those who look through the lens of real people, in the real world, where good ideas come from.  These visionaries, could indeed, be laying the foundation for our next generation of healthcare solutions, and they are, engaging with one another online, sharing ideas and forming tribes.

But, there are companies that need and want to evolve and for those, Braden Kelley, in his chapter, The Importance of a Strategic Approach to Open Innovation, reminds us that “innovation is social” and that “great innovators make connections to other industries and other disciplines to help create the great insights that inspire great solutions.”  At the end of the day, innovation will come from those thought leaders that are thinking differently about how to lower costs, drive quality and satisfaction.  Over the next few weeks, I hope that you will join me as we speak to some of the contributors of this book…stay tuned!


Mobile Health and The Consumer

Dr. Virginia Gurley, M.D., MPH, Founder and President of AuraViva, and Lea Carey, TheHealthMaven, discuss the insightful PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute survey on mobile health, within the context of consumer adoption.  This is the first in a series of three podcasts focusing on the mHealth industry as related to the HRI report and the survey topics covered in this first episode:

  • mobilewaveHalf of consumers surveyed said they would buy mobile technology for their health, of those 20%  would use it to monitor fitness or wellbeing and 18% want their doctors to monitor their health conditions.
  • While 40% of respondents would be willing to pay for a monthly mobile phone service or device that could send information to their doctor, they would prefer to pay less than $10 for the monthly mobile phone service and less than $75 for the devices.
  • Even though surveys show women make most health decisions for the family, the HRI survey showed that men are twice as likely as women to use their cell phone to get health related reminders.
  • Even though most Americans are insured through group health policies, the survey showed that individual policy holders were more likely to buy mobile health applications and to pay out of pocket for electronic visits with physicians.

Please join us for our next episode when we discuss Mobile Health and Physicians, so stay tuned, Lea


Pushing Through the Hesitation of Social Media

bluewaterThe recent health care legislation has evoked strong emotion across industry segments, and chances are, there are health professionals that would like to contribute to the online conversations, but are hesitate to jump into social media.  Consider that the timing is perfect to create an imperative for others to listen – all that is needed is a nudge to find your voice, because there is no benefit to not speaking up, no matter how passionately you feel about something.

I had the privilege of interviewing, author, speaker and coach, Sandy Schussel, on how fear can be a roadblock to doing something new. In his bookThe High Diving Board, How to Overcome Your Fear and Live Your Dream, he identified seven paralyzing fears:

  1. Fear of failing
  2. Fear of being embarrassed
  3. Fear of making a mistake—of committing to the wrong thing
  4. Fear of being rejected/alone/an outcast
  5. Fear of climbing too high; that we don’t deserve our dreams; we’re not worthy
  6. Fear that we’re not ready, not capable, or inadequate
  7. Fear of success

Sandy continued with saying that you have a choice to speak up…or not.  His remarks remind me of what Margaret Meade said, “I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings.”  So where do you want to make a difference, where do you want to engage?  Finding your voice is critical to making a difference – and, keep in mind that there are tribes waiting to be formed and looking for your unique vision and voice.  Don’t let fear stand in your way.


The Language of Engagement

I believe that Nietzsche had it wrong when he said, ” the world itself is the will to power – and nothing else! And you yourself are the will to power -  and nothing else!”   I would guess, that he was hanging in the wrong circles.  Perhaps, his outlook would have been different had he been on Twitter, engaging with the tweeps and thought leaders that I encounter on a daily basis.  Or, maybe, he was just exhausted by trying to out flank or speak louder than his contemporaries…one thing is for certain, he did not speak the language of social media. socialmediadimension

Social media is the language of engagement, exploring answers, building allies online, a focused purpose, passion or cause – at least, it is for many of us.  I am involved in a chat on Thursdays at noon, #innochat  and everyone knows not to call or disturb me during that delightful hour.  The like minded humor and idea exchange is rapidly gaining the attention of the Twitterverse, because we speak the same language, whether a fabulous internet PR  firm,authormanagement consultant, or innovator, we seem to be rather skilled at pulling out creative thoughts from one another.

What has been interesting, from the healthcare perspective, is the benefit of crossing market barriers and learning from other industries.  Can I quantify the benefit of interacting on Twitter, probably, but, let’s just for the moment, look at the intangible of thinking and approaching challenges with a new mindset.  There is an ROI, somewhere, trust me.

Case in point, the March issue of Forbes, features Clayton Christensen, as he shares his experience of being told by care givers and insurers that his theories did not apply to the complex healthcare industry.  I am happy to point out that his books on innovation have been game changers in healthcare – clearly, he ignored the language of powerThe collaborative nature of online communities has helped me look at the healthcare world differently; on a regular basis, my thinking is challenged to remain relevant, competitive and innovative.  Those of you in healthcare can tap into #innochat as well, because healthcare still has a learning curve…  Thanks Drew, Ken, Renee, Cathryn, Andrea, Bo, Chris, Gwen, Paulo, Julian. and all the other #innochat warriors…
